Midsummer Night’s Dream Hunt… where fairies come to play

Midsummer Night's Dream Hunt 6

One of Second Life’s most popular hunt is back for the sixth year, the Midsummer Night’s Dream presented by Kastle Rock.  The MND 6 Hunt is unique from most hunts on the grid because it’s broken into six different paths, with over 100+ stores offering male/female/unisex/petite and home furnishings until July 21, 2015.  Kastle Rock’s hunter guide will provide more information for each path (hints & LM) and a gift preview page.

Midsummer Night’s Dream is a comedy play by William Shakespeare (1590- 1597), portraying the events surrounding the marriage of the Duke of AthensTheseus, and Hippolyta.  These include the adventures of four young Athenian lovers and a group of six amateur actors (mechanicals), who are controlled and manipulated by the fairies who inhabit the forest in which most of the play is set.

Today, I will be showing three fantasy garden decor hunt gifts from Finishing Touches, Dreamscapes Art Gallery, and Park Place Home Decor.  Finishing Touches Enchanted Forest Swing is a whimsical weathered ivy-covered solo swing with 6 animations.  Fairy Set by Dreamscapes Art Gallery is a playful free formed twig chair (13 animations) and tree stump coffee table with candle display.  Park Place Fallen Log Bench with blanket and plants is perfect for summer picnic and cuddling with your sweetie, chalk full of single/couple poses. Below are the vendor ads for the 3 hunt items above.  Good luck on the Midsummer Night’s Dream hunt and have a merry time!

Finishing Touches Enchanted Forest Swing (Titania Path – Hint: Ascend the stairs to gaze upon the Tree of Life)

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 Dreamscapes Art Gallery Fairy Set (Puck Path – Hint: O sleep! O gentle sleep!)

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Park Place Home Decor Fallen Log Bench (Puck Path – Hint:

“Time so quickly flowing past
we watch it go with growing angst
Stop that CLOCK, it goes too fast
and earn our most undying thanks!!”)

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